- The while loop repeats the execution of a code block in the same way that the if statement conditionally executes a code block
- The syntax for the while loop is as follows
while command <—when command condition is true (status zero), then entered into loop
code block
- The given code block will be repeatedly executed instill the given command returns an exit status that is non-zero
- Example
echo -n 'Please enter your answer : '
read answer
while [ "$answer" != tiger ]
echo That answer is incorrect
echo "Please try again, you entered $answer"
read answer
Please enter your answer : Tiger
That answer is incorrect
Please try again, you entered Tiger
That answer is incorrect
Please try again, you entered Chicken
tiger <—Exits the program as the condition is met, the while loop is not entered
Other Example:
echo -n "Please enter the directory name :"
read dir
while [ ! -d $dir ]
echo "You didn't enter a directory name"
echo -n "Please try again by entering a directory name :"
read dir
echo "Congratulation!! Your Directory Name is $dir"
Please enter the directory name :..
Congratulation!! Your Directory Name is ..
Please enter the directory name :sdfsdfdsf
You didn't enter a directory name
Please try again by entering a directory name :fdsg
You didn't enter a directory name
Please try again by entering a directory name :
- Using while loop we can pipe the output of a Unix command, read the values and loop them
Output of who command has 3 columns
- User – Details regarding the user who currently logged in
- Terminal – Details of the terminal the user is using
- Time – Details of time the user has logged in since.
[oracle@rac1 ~]$ who
oracle tty1 2014-02-16 10:20 (:0)
oracle pts/0 2014-02-16 10:20 (:0.0)
who | while read user term time
echo $user is using $term logged in since $time
[oracle@rac1 ~]$ . PipedWhile
oracle is using tty1 logged in since 2014-02-16 10:20 (:0)
oracle is using pts/0 logged in since 2014-02-16 10:20 (:0.0)
- Break & Continue can be used in conjunction with while loop (for that matter any other loop in Unix Shell Programming)
Break – The break statement will cause the loop to immediately terminate. Execution will recommence with the next line after the done
Continue – The continue statement will cause the loop to abandon the current iteration of the loop and begin the next one (the loop condition is retested)