Sometimes you need to create a testing database and load it with production data. In scenarios like this, the production box is usually located remotely from the development box. Data Pump provides you the ability to take an export and directly import it into your target database without creating any intermediate dump files. This is a fast and efficient way to create new environments from existing environments.
An example will help illustrate how this works. For this example, the production database users are STAR2, CIA_APP, and CIA_SEL. You want to move these users into a testing database and name them STAR_JUL, CIA_APP_JUL, and CIA_SEL_JUL.
This task requires the following high-level steps:
1. Create users in the destination database to be imported into. Here’s a sample script that creates the users in the testing database:
define star_user=star_jul
define star_user_pwd=star_jul_pwd
define cia_app_user=cia_jul_dec
define cia_app_user_pwd=cia_app_jul_pwd
define cia_sel_user=cia_sel_jul
define cia_sel_user_pwd=cia_sel_jul_pwd
create user &&star_user identified by &&star_user_pwd;
grant connect,resource to &&star_user;
alter user &&star_user default tablespace dim_data;
create user &&cia_app_user identified by &&cia_app_user_pwd;
grant connect,resource to &&cia_app_user;
alter user &&cia_app_user default tablespace cia_data;
create user &&cia_sel_user identified by &&cia_app_user_pwd;
grant connect,resource to &&cia_app_user;
alter user &&cia_sel_user default tablespace cia_data;
2. Create a database link in your testing database that points to your production database. The remote user referenced in the CREATE DATABASE LINK statement has the DBA role granted to it in the production database. Here’s a sample CREATE DATABASE LINK script:
create database link dk connect to darl identified by foobar using 'dwdb1:1522/dwrep1';
3. Create a directory that points to the location where you want your log file to go:
SQL> create or replace directory engdev as '/orahome/oracle/ddl/engdev';
4. Run the import command on the testing box. This command references the remote database via the NETWORK_LINK parameter. This command also instructs Data Pump to map the production database user names to the newly created
users in the testing database.
$ impdp darl/engdev directory=engdev network_link=dk schemas='STAR2,CIA_APP,CIA_SEL' remap_schema=STAR2:STAR_JUL,CIA_APP:CIA_APP_JUL,CIA_SEL:CIA_SEL_JUL parallel=4
This technique allows you to move large amounts of data between disparate databases without having to create or copy any dump files or datafiles. This is a very powerful Data Pump feature that lets you quickly and efficiently transfer data.
If you don’t have Oracle Net connectivity between the two databases, then the steps to accomplish the same task are as follows:
1. Export the production database.
2. Copy the dump file to the testing database.
3. Import the dump file into the testing database.
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Data Pump - Exporting and Importing Directly Across the Network
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